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45 year old Woman from
*Sydney, Australia

44 year old Woman from
Victoria Point, Australia

45 year old Man from

30 year old Man from
*Bogotá, Colombia

39 year old Man from
Alfortville, France

38 year old Man from
*Lisbon, Portugal

20 year old Man from

20 year old Man from


Ce que nos utilisateurs disent de nous

Nous aimons nos précieux utilisateurs et voici quelques brèves critiques rédigées par nos utilisateurs satisfaits.

Love the experience

The experience has been amazing and continues to be incredible. This site has helped me match with interesting people and how well-managed this dating website is.

Jeannie Lee

Met the love of my life

I was on the verge of giving up hope of finding my love, yet a tiny glimmer was still there. That tiny glimmer brought me here and it was worth it. I met my love here and I can’t imagine anybody better.

Jack Richard

Fantastic dating website

Dating Club is by far my favourite of all the sites I've tried, and it's where I've had the most success. It provides possibilities that other sites do not, such as Near me, Meet me, Date Tracker, etc.

Lisa Stoner

One of the best sites I’ve known

The price is great. There is a lot of site that try and do this but they wanna feed off your bank. I found some really great people here. The quality is top notch-undoubtedly!

Lucas Morgan

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Des fins heureuses dans la vraie vie

Beaucoup de gens sont venus ici seuls et sont repartis avec des histoires heureuses. Revivez leur expérience en lisant leurs histoires.

Aussie Couple’s night out at the Crown with Colombian couple.

Sep 14, 2024

In the heart of Melbourne, beneath the dazzling chandeliers of the Crown Casino, two worlds collided. The first was that of the rugged, sun-kissed Aussies, Jack and Emma, a couple who'd left their outback home for a taste of city life. The second was that of the fiery, passionate Colombians, Carlos and Maria, who'd brought a touch of South American…

Easter Threesome: A Sydney Surprise for Indian Couple

Sep 14, 2024

Comment ça fonctionne?

C’est assez facile et passionnant d’obtenir un match pour vous-même auprès de Dating Club. Concentrez-vous simplement sur vos lignes de ramassage, nous obtiendrons vos correspondances parfaites.

Dating Club a également été choisi comme meilleur site de rencontres en pleine croissance par le magazine Week Love.


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